Instructions for use of non-powered play equipment

Non-powered amusement equipment has a very positive impact on the development of human motion intelligence, however, if the safety of non-powered amusement equipment is not strictly controlled and monitored, it will inevitably cause accidents.

Let's take a look at how to use non-powered amusement equipment correctly.

1. Daily inspection before using the equipment

1. Check whether the equipment foundation has unsafe signs such as loosening, subsidence, and cracking; If there is a problem, you need to explain the specific location, the type of defect, the number and the cause.

2. Check the important welds of iron parts, and do not have defects such as missed welding, burn-through, cracks, serious undercuts, pores, and slag inclusions visible to the naked eye; Focus on inspecting the tower structure, hanging structure, seat structure, etc.; If there is a problem, you need to explain the specific location, the type of defect, the number and the cause.

3. Check the connection of important parts, such as checking whether the bolts are loose, whether there are anti-loosening measures and identification, and whether there are anti-falling measures for the pin connection; If there is a problem, you need to explain the specific location, the type of defect, the number and the cause.

4. Whether the wire rope is broken and damaged, whether the elastic parts are aging, and whether the important structural iron parts are corroded, worn and deformed that affect safety; If there is a problem, you need to explain the specific location, the type of defect, the number and the cause.

2. Precautions for using equipment

1. Install amusement equipment according to the standard and reserve a safe distance; Regarding the relevant attributes, usage methods and maintenance precautions of amusement equipment, it is necessary to connect with the manufacturer clearly, and do a good job of relevant training.

2. Correctly handle and maintain iron amusement equipment according to the methods provided by the manufacturer, which can easily withstand bad weather factors, so that it has a long service life.

3. There must be eye-catching amusement equipment instructions on the amusement equipment, and the safety precautions must be marked, so that tourists can judge whether they are suitable for this amusement project.

4. Challenging amusement equipment needs to be equipped with staff to supervise tourists on site and do not do dangerous actions.