How trampoline parks use user personas for precision marketing

As a new hot industry, trampoline parks have attracted the attention of many investors, and there are more and more trampoline parks in China. So how do you find a clear target customer?

We quote a proper noun on the Internet, "user persona", to give investors a clearer positioning of the trampoline park's player base. What is a "user profile"? In layman's terms, a user portrait is a concise description of consumers, so as to classify consumer groups. It is also commonly known as labeling behavior, such as: trampoline players, moonlight people, post-90s, rich and handsome, red roses, etc.

Advantages of user portraits

In order to win the hearts of customers, trampoline parks must first conduct user portraits of customers, so that trampoline park investors can find target customers, and then implement reasonable marketing strategies for target customers, so as to promote the rapid and profitable development of trampoline parks.

User portrait of the trampoline park

Trampoline Park is for the masses: 3-60 years old, the main consumers include parent-child families, enthusiastic teenagers, trampoline sports players, corporate team building employees, office white-collar workers who love fitness or want to lose weight, office workers who release stress, etc.

The main customers of the trampoline park at various times

On weekdays, it will be office white-collar workers, employees of corporate team building, and trainees who take trampoline courses. Winter and summer vacations, statutory holidays and weekends will be dominated by customers such as parent-child families and teenagers; Peak hours are after 2 p.m.

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How trampoline parks use user personas for precision marketing

Pocket House Trampoline Park

2019/10/23 12:16High-end indoor park/trampoline park one-stop service builder, support to join from Zhejiang Province


As a new hot industry, trampoline parks have attracted the attention of many investors, and there are more and more trampoline parks in China. So how do you find a clear target customer?

We quote a proper noun on the Internet, "user persona", to give investors a clearer positioning of the trampoline park's player base. What is a "user profile"? In layman's terms, a user portrait is a concise description of consumers, so as to classify consumer groups. It is also commonly known as labeling behavior, such as: trampoline players, moonlight people, post-90s, rich and handsome, red roses, etc.

Advantages of user portraits

In order to win the hearts of customers, trampoline parks must first conduct user portraits of customers, so that trampoline park investors can find target customers, and then implement reasonable marketing strategies for target customers, so as to promote the rapid and profitable development of trampoline parks.

User portrait of the trampoline park

Trampoline Park is for the masses: 3-60 years old, the main consumers include parent-child families, enthusiastic teenagers, trampoline sports players, corporate team building employees, office white-collar workers who love fitness or want to lose weight, office workers who release stress, etc.

The main customers of the trampoline park at various times

On weekdays, it will be office white-collar workers, employees of corporate team building, and trainees who take trampoline courses. Winter and summer vacations, statutory holidays and weekends will be dominated by customers such as parent-child families and teenagers; Peak hours are after 2 p.m.

Consumer demand for trampoline parks

Different groups of people have different consumer needs for trampoline parks.

1. Parent-child family, trampoline park can provide a place for parent-child families to interact well, which can not only allow parents and children to play together, promote parent-child relationship, but also allow family and children to exercise, and let children stay away from mobile phones to protect their eyes.

2. Teenagers, like to experience the various ways to play with fancy trampolines; Check in to the online celebrity trampoline project to promote friendship between classmates and friends.

3. Employees of corporate team building, the team organizes trampoline team building games, which not only relaxes the physical and mental health of employees, but also makes the company's team more cohesive.

4. For fitness and weight loss people, trampoline exercise is a good aerobic exercise, trampoline for 10 minutes is equivalent to jogging for half an hour, and it can fit and shape, burn fat and lose weight.

5. Trampoline sports players, they have a sports foundation and prefer to challenge new ways of exercising. The various fancy trampoline movements in the trampoline park will make them even more happy.